mercredi 25 juillet 2018

Arduino and MPU6050

Arduino and MPU 6050 - attitude display This is a different project. I had a request from a friend to work on it and try to achieve a reasonable operation. The purpose of this board is to present attitude (pitch + roll) on a small instrument display. Arduino board : Arduino MEGA 2560, but most arduino boards should fit. Arduino MEGA provides better fluidity. Display : arduino shield TFT display 480x320. No other display dimension is possible because this is designed just for it. Sensor : MPU 6050. It provides acceleration and gyroscopic data. Issues; be careful, there is an issue with the wire library on some clone arduino boards. These do not respect I2C timings and this creates uniques bugs; freezing of display. Use a genuine arduino board for this program to work. Connection: extremely easy: no schematic given, as it only needs I2C connection to the MPU and power supply. Display shield interfaces directly.

2 commentaires:

  1. Hello! Good really work! where can i find the code for the arduino? Thanks!

  2. Only work in Arduino Mega? Have you test on arduino uno?
