mercredi 25 juillet 2018

Arduino and MPU6050

Arduino and MPU 6050 - attitude display This is a different project. I had a request from a friend to work on it and try to achieve a reasonable operation. The purpose of this board is to present attitude (pitch + roll) on a small instrument display. Arduino board : Arduino MEGA 2560, but most arduino boards should fit. Arduino MEGA provides better fluidity. Display : arduino shield TFT display 480x320. No other display dimension is possible because this is designed just for it. Sensor : MPU 6050. It provides acceleration and gyroscopic data. Issues; be careful, there is an issue with the wire library on some clone arduino boards. These do not respect I2C timings and this creates uniques bugs; freezing of display. Use a genuine arduino board for this program to work. Connection: extremely easy: no schematic given, as it only needs I2C connection to the MPU and power supply. Display shield interfaces directly.

jeudi 7 juin 2018

LISA : Light Instrument for Small Airplanes

Hi all ! I had to find an easy name for those projects, and this is LISA: Light Instrument for Small Airplanes. This single instrument combines sensor and a small Oled display for : - ATTITUDE Display (Pitch& Roll) - AIRSPEED - ALTITUDE (with QNH, barometric reference selection) - VERTCAL SPEED - TEMPERATURE - CHRONO However, it could be interesting to add features such as - G-METER (With GMAX display) - SIDESLIP INDICATOR (for turn coordination) A page is available to program a few features such as which page to set for startup.. The OLED display is there just for a minimal backup (standby instrument) The parameters are transmitted through the serial bus and are intended for further display. This is the task of my other display program, using processing. The final instrumentation would combine this sensor (LISA) with its own Oled display, plus a full size display, 800x640 pix for more comfort, driven by a raspberry PI. A youtube video is here to see functionalities : A github repository here :


And here is the latest version 

mardi 24 avril 2018

Mini instrument for ultralight Aircraft

Réalisation d'un capteur intégré et d'un afficheur pour avion ultraléger C est un travail en cours Une bonne partie du logiciel tourne correctement. Ça donne ça : Reste a finaliser un circuit imprimé pour faire un montage propre, connecter un capteur de pression pour lire la vitesse et mettre le tout bien au point. Ensuite relier le tout à un affichage couleur et au soft développé précédemment pour avoir un bel EFIS.

mardi 13 février 2018

Tout sur github

Bonjour, hello, ola, buenos dias !!!

I start to put my work on github.

C est plus facile pour ceux qui voudront récuperer mon travail.
Ce sont des "beerwares", quoique je boive assez peu de cette boisson.
Ou des"drinkwares" si vous préferez.

Use and enjoy !!!

Mais je mettrai d abord la primeur en français sur ce site.

Le job du moment : fabriquer un Adiru de 20 grammes.
Au menu, ESP32, MPU9250, BMP280. C est prétentieux, je sais, mais on peut toujours essayer.